Four-one-three.. :)

Hey errbody!

Slowly, but steadily, this project is nearing it’s final stage and we’re so lucky to have been able to work with amazing bands already. With every new addition (band, that is) the final split-cd is growing ever more diverse. It’s awesome to see that all this diversity has a passion for hardcore/metal music in common, which, obviously, is one of the common denominators in the overal scheme of this project.

We had some bumps in the road but strived to keep up with overal our planning. We are hoping to release this CD in the start of summer but there’s still plenty of work to be done, for example recording, editting, mixing, mastering, artwork design, cd-pressing, artwork printing, impatiently waiting for the mail to arrive.. But we’re confident that not only we’ll be able to have it released in summer, it’ll be prih-teh awesome :).

Whether we’ll actually be able to have a ‘release-show’, time will tell as they are many factors (location, funding, playing time, etc.) but we’ll def keep y’all updated on whether it’s going somewhere or not.

In the mean time there’s still a good amount of recording to do, starting with Merge As One at the end of the month, followed by Captain, your ship is sinking and finally A Jupiter Hymn which will bring the amount of bands participating to 9..

Which, evidently, means that we still have 1 spot open for a band to be a part of this project. Get in touch if you feel your band’s up for it.

So there you go, brought up-to-date and whatnot ;)


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split-cd project

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